Hi My Fellow Stamp Collectors
I have several older stamps that were found in box lots at auctions and after many years of storage they have been ignored in attics or basements. What can be safely used to remove dirt and other stains from covers or stamps. I don’t want to remove stamps from covers in order to do something to the stamps as I would like to have the stamps as well as the covers cleaned together. Also is there any way to remove water stains from older covers? I do use white erasers to remove pencil marks from covers but do not want to take a chance on doing any damage to a stamp. 😉
To clean stamps I recommend using 1 cup water with a couple drops of dish soap and a cap full of hydrogen peroxide. Blend mixture, then soak the stamp for about 5 minutes then remove. Dip a Q-tip in the solution and then gently rub the stamp to remove debris. Very gentle, as too hard can remove the ink of the stamp design and can ruin the stamp. Then place in drying book, or between two paper towels and place a couple heavy books on top to flatten and allow to dry for 1 day.
Cleaning covers is a bit more advanced, as you would likely need to remove the stamp, then reapply.
Ryan Joneson
APS #224675