We are constantly aiming to improve our website, features, and experience for our stamp collectors. Find details to important website updates below, along with database totals.
Database Totals
Below are the total unique records for United States stamps in our Stamp Values FMV database. Our Identification Pages provide a plethora of details about a particular issue including complete FMV records with images and links to original listings to see certs or fault details, historical information, identification details, variety values and more.
Unique Scott Numbers
{{Total Scott Numbers}}
Total Stamp Values
{{Total Value Records}}
Identification Pages
{{Total ID}}
Scott Numbers With Values
*Numbers with prefix CSA indicate Confederate issues, CZ is Canal Zone, HI is Hawaii.
* The Scott Numbers are the copyrighted property of Amos Media Company, and are used here with permission from Amos. The marks Scott and Scott’s are Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and are trademarks of Amos Media Company. No use may be made of these marks or of material in this exhibition, which is reprinted from a copyrighted publication of Amos Media Company., without the express written permission of Amos Media Company, Sidney, Ohio 45365
Website Change Log
Website Version
The initial launch of our website!
New website colors (purple, blue, green).
New Stamp Videos page added. Navigation revised, Education changed to Explore. Stamp Art placed under Explore. New Community nav link added. New button to Sign Up at top of site.
Approval from Amos Media to reference Scott numbers on the Stamp Collectors website.